Thursday, September 23, 2010

LCD TV Comparisons - Deciding Between LCD and Plasma

If you're in the market for a new television and you've done any research at all, you're probably tired of all the technical TV jargon being thrown at you -- most of which means absolutely nothing to the average person. If you're like most people, you just want to know what will provide the best picture quality at the best price. Because of their popularity, you've undoubtedly heard of the LCD television and you may be wondering why so many people are choosing this technology over other options, such as plasma. Let me share with you a few things to keep in mind when making your LCD TV comparisons.

Just to give you a bit of background, the term LCD stands for "liquid crystal display." While plasma screens use plasma gas cells which are charged by an electrical voltage to create a picture, the liquid crystal display screens are made up of liquid crystals which are placed between two glass plates. Both of these technologies use a back light, but the liquid crystal displays are most generally lighter and thinner as they don't have the gas-filled chambers and heavy glass panels necessary for the plasma screens. Until recently, liquid crystal display TVs were more common in smaller size televisions, usually 27 inches or less, but times have changed and the liquid crystal display technology is now available in just about any size screen.

While both the LCD and plasma technologies can produce beautiful pictures, here are a few of the advantages of the liquid crystal display TV that you'll want to consider when making your LCD TV comparisons:

LCD televisions are usually lighter than their plasma counterparts, making them much easier to mount on the wall.

The price of LCD TV's have dropped as of recent, so when doing your LCD TV comparisons, keep in mind that you'll often pay less, sometimes much less, for an LCD screen than you will for a plasma screen of comparable size and features.

Data resolution is much better on the liquid crystal display. The number of pixels per square inch is typically higher than what you'll get with a plasma screen. Simply put, when the data resolution is higher, you'll receive razor sharp images and be able to see more detail in your picture.

Especially if you're a hardcore gamer and you play games as much or more than you watch TV, LCD is definitely the better choice, as plasma is more sensitive to the burn-in effect from static images.

The LCD TV has a higher brightness capability, making them easier to watch than plasma. This equates to sharper colors and a bold, bright picture quality.

Unlike some of the comparable plasma televisions, the LCD TV comes equipped with tuners inside the unit -- so it's a simple plug and play.

While plasma TV's usually boast a better viewing angle than LCD TV, as long as you stick with a high quality name brand, users report very little difference in the two technologies when it comes to off-angle viewing.

Most quality LCD TV's have an ultra-fast response time, which means reduced motion blur when viewing sports, video games, or action movies.

All things considered, when making their LCD TV comparisons, more and more people are choosing the liquid crystal display TV over the plasma or other options. If you decide to take the LCD route, you'll have many screen sizes, brands, features, et cetera, to pick from -- and this task can be rather daunting considering all the options available.

The two main things you'll want to consider when making your LCD TV comparison is your budget and the size of your room. From there, your selection will be narrowed somewhat. And consider purchasing your set online. The prices are usually more competitive and shipping is fast and usually very reasonable, sometimes even free.

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